Woman inspecting dent in her car

Key Steps to Take if You’ve Been Injured by an Uninsured Motorist in North Carolina

By Jeremy Bradford
Founding Partner

Dealing with the aftermath of an automobile accident can be complicated and stressful, but if you’ve been injured by an uninsured motorist in North Carolina, it can add an extra layer of complexity. Despite laws requiring auto insurance, a significant number of drivers on our roads are uninsured. Knowing the essential steps to take in this situation is vital to protect your rights and potentially recover damages for your injuries. Here we will walk you through these steps, ensuring you are well-prepared in the unfortunate event of such an occurrence.

The Immediate Aftermath: At the Scene

When an accident occurs, your immediate priority should be to ensure the safety of everyone involved and then promptly call law enforcement. Having a police report generated at the scene is crucial, as it serves as an official record of the incident and can be instrumental when filing insurance claims. The police will also ensure the documentation of the other driver’s uninsured status.

While you’re at the accident scene, if you’re physically able to do so, gather as much evidence as you can. This includes photographs of the accident scene, damages to both vehicles, and any visible injuries you may have sustained. If there are any witnesses, collect their contact information. This evidence could be essential in establishing the facts of the case and can strengthen your claim.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Regardless of the severity of the accident, always seek immediate medical attention. Injuries may not always be apparent right away, due to the adrenaline rush one often experiences after an accident. Immediate medical evaluation not only ensures your health but also provides vital medical records which act as proof of the injuries you sustained in the accident. These documents can play a key role when negotiating your claim or if the case goes to court.

Notify Your Insurance Company

It’s also crucial to report the incident to your insurance company as promptly as possible. In some cases, your collision coverage could help cover the damages to your vehicle. However, remember that every communication with insurance companies should be handled carefully, as the insurers’ aim is to minimize payout. It’s recommended that you consult with a personal injury attorney before making any detailed statements or agreeing to any settlements. This ensures you won’t inadvertently say something that could be used against your claim.

Understanding Your Own Insurance Policy

In the case of an accident with an uninsured motorist, your own insurance policy becomes a critical role in providing compensation for your damages. Familiarize yourself with your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, if you have it. This coverage is specifically designed to safeguard you if you’re in an accident caused by a driver lacking sufficient insurance coverage or having none at all. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage provides compensation for medical bills, property damage, and even pain and suffering resulting from the accident.Knowing the specifics of your policy, including your coverage limits, will help you understand what potential compensation could be available to you.

Medical Treatment and Documentation

Following an accident, it is paramount that you seek medical treatment for your injuries, even if they initially appear minor. Timely and consistent medical care not only supports your physical recovery but also contributes to a comprehensive record of your injuries and treatment. These records are crucial in demonstrating the extent of your injuries and the related medical costs you have incurred due to the accident.

Alongside maintaining medical records, keep track of any other expenses related to the accident. This could include transportation costs to medical appointments, costs for assistive devices, and even home modifications if your injuries require such adjustments. It’s also beneficial to keep a personal journal documenting your physical symptoms and emotional state, as well as the impact of your injuries on your daily life. These details can assist in demonstrating pain and suffering or loss of enjoyment of life, which can significantly affect the amount of compensation you may receive.

Legal Recourse: Working with a Personal Injury Attorney at Bradford Law

When dealing with an accident involving an uninsured motorist, engaging a skilled personal injury attorney can be a game-changer. Bradford Law can help guide you through the often confusing and complex process of navigating your own insurance claim, ensuring you are not shortchanged and that you receive the full compensation to which you are entitled. Furthermore, we can help evaluate the feasibility of pursuing a lawsuit against the at-fault party to recover additional damages.

We can also assist in gathering and preserving crucial evidence, evaluating the true extent of your damages, and negotiating with your insurance company or the at-fault party. These are tasks that could prove overwhelming when you are focusing on recovering from your injuries. An experienced attorney knows the tactics insurance companies might employ to limit your claim and can effectively counter them, advocating zealously for your interests.

At Bradford Law, we understand the stress and uncertainty that comes with being injured by an uninsured motorist. Our dedicated team is here to alleviate the burden and work tirelessly on your behalf to secure the justice and compensation you deserve. Don’t navigate this challenging situation alone; contact us today for a free consultation and let us be your advocates in this fight.

About the Author
I am Jeremy Bradford, the founding and managing attorney of Bradford Law. From my offices in Charlotte, NC, I travel all across North Carolina helping injured people fight against insurance companies, in what could be life-altering circumstances. I have made a point to develop strong relationships with my clients. I take the trust my clients put in me personally and put myself into every case. If my client calls, my client will always be able to speak directly with me. You will get to know me as we work our way through the personal injury process. So when we make recommendations on whether to settle or go to trial, you will know your best interests are always at heart.