Man riding e-scooter in the city

How Electric-Scooter Accident Claims Work: A Guide for Victims

Throughout North Carolina communities have welcomed electric-scooters (e-scooters) as a convenient alternative mode of transportation due to their social, health, and environmental benefits; enhanced community connectivity, and positive economic impact. As scooters continue to gain popularity in North Carolina, we have unfortunately seen a corresponding increase in scooter-related accidents. Given the complex...

How Electric-Scooter Accident Claims Work: A Guide for Victims Continue reading…
A lawyer speaks to client

Workers’ Compensation vs. Personal Injury Lawsuits: Understanding the Difference

Injuries can occur anywhere – including while you are at work. When you suffer an injury, you should be able to receive compensation. But it’s important to understand that depending upon the circumstances, there are two different ways in which you may do so: workers’ compensation or a personal injury claim....

Workers’ Compensation vs. Personal Injury Lawsuits: Understanding the Difference Continue reading…
A person signs documents after being injured on another person's property

NC Premises Liability: What to Do After Getting Injured on Someone Else’s Property

Under the law, a property owner must use “reasonable care” to keep lawful visitors safe from injury on their property. This may include wiping up spills, properly inspecting and maintaining the property, and ensuring that there is proper security on the property. When a property owner knows or should have known about...

NC Premises Liability: What to Do After Getting Injured on Someone Else’s Property Continue reading…
Lawyers discussing a document

NC Contributory Negligence: How does North Carolina’s Contributory Negligence Rule Affect Your Ability to Recover Due to Someone Else’s Negligence

When you are involved in an accident and have suffered injuries or property damage as a result, you probably want the other party to be held responsible for compensating you. But what if you also shared fault in causing the accident? How you will (or won’t) be compensated depends upon what rule...

NC Contributory Negligence: How does North Carolina’s Contributory Negligence Rule Affect Your Ability to Recover Due to Someone Else’s Negligence Continue reading…